Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Summer of Coders at PGCon

Rilson Oscar do Nascimento recently attended PGCon, where he gave a presentation about his Summer of Code project along with his mentor, Mark Wong. He was also kind enough to send us a report from the conference:

PGCon 2007 was held on 23-24 May 2007 at University of Ottawa, Canada, with two days of Tutorials before the main activities. We had 141 registered attendees, 13 sponsors and 28 speakers from different parts of the globe.


As with the PostgreSQL Anniversary Summit last year, Bruce [Momjian] launched the conference talking about history. His interesting comparison of PostgreSQL with the Apollo mission showed us that to give the "giant step for mankind" a bunch of almost unknown achievements were made. Bruce described then the 30 great leaps of PostgreSQL in the last years that kept it jumping ahead.

Still on the first day, Mark Wong, my mentor in the SoC and developer of the OSDL Database Test Suite of workloads, and I had the chance to present our Google Summer of Code 2006 project to the PostgreSQL community. I was tense since it was my first talk delivered in English (I am native of Brazil). Mark helped me a lot during the presentation. We briefly portrayed the TPC-E, the all-new TPC benchmark, and then described our workload, named DBT-5, which is an open-source fair-use implementation of the TPC-E benchmark.


In addition to sponsoring the Lunch of the Day, Google contributed towards my travel expenses. I'd like to thank Google for the invaluable help.

Without the help of PGCon's organizer, Dan Langille, I couldn't have attended the conference. Thank you for your support and readiness to answer my questions.

For those who are interested in learning more about the proceedings of PGCon, Rilson suggests heading over to Josh Berkus's Database Soup blog.

As usual, we love to hear from Summer of Coders about their speaking experiences. Post a comment and tell us more!

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